Who Me? Moving Again?

Home is Where the Heart is

Psalm 91:1 -2 says, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust.”

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Due to the nature of our mission work Jim and I have moved 22 times in our 35 years of marriage. How many times have you moved?

I don’t know about you but transitions can be very unsettling! Each place I have had to learn to make it a home where we could dwell. However, I have felt my heart is in two different places. The location I lived before and grown to love and the present home that is before me.

  • One way I have handled the emotions of moving is to convince myself, “As long  as my family is there, (where I thought my heart needed to be), any place can become home.”

However is family enough? What about a person not married, a widow, or a mom whose kids leave the nest or maybe they don’t even have kids?

Ultimately I have learned that if God’s presence isn’t there, if I don’t choose to dwell in the shelter of the Most High, there is no contentment, no rest for the soul, no refuge. It will only be a set of 4 walls and my family.  

  • When did I learn of this need for God’s presence in every new location? The seed was planted many years earlier in college but I didn’t put it all together until I became an empty nester.

In the fall of 1977 when I arrived at the University to start my freshman year I was only 18 at the time. The first week of school they had what was called “Spiritual Emphasis Week”.  There were speakers every night preaching on the Word of God. People would go forward during the invitation giving their lives to God. “I wasn’t going to be a hypocrite and go forward,” I had already done that several times: Gone upfront, surrendered, then the next week, turning around and doing things that I knew were not pleasing to God.

About the 4th day this guy who was very nice, Jessie, started talking about how sweet my brother was, and how much Lee loved the Lord. I knew I didn’t have the joy of the Lord in my life like my brother, who just recently was saved, but I wanted it. In that conversation with Jessie the Spirit of God worked in my life, drawing me to Himself in such a way that I didn’t know what to do, so I started crying.

As soon as I could I sought out my supervisor at school, someone I could trust, who might have answers to some of my questions about God. She was on the phone counseling someone but I wasn’t going to leave until we talked. I waited outside her door in the dark corner of the hallway that night telling myself, “I am not leaving here until I settle this issue once and for all!”

A battle raged inside of me between the fears of trying to live life on my own and total surrender to the Lord. Isn’t transitions often that same struggle?  

  • Even though we might feel dry and grieving, that’s okay. That is often a normal reaction to loss. But as we battle life’s emotions we should ask ourselves: “What are our fears? How are we trying to fix things on our own or what are we attempting to fill the void with? What areas do we truly need to give over to God and seek what He wants to teach us through the process? Is there someone we can seek out to pray with or gain wisdom from during this time of unsettledness? Are we resting and waiting upon the Lord?”

As I waited what seemed an hour outside this woman’s door, wrestling with God, like Jacob in the Bible did, God won!  

Even though I knew Jesus as Savior, I was beginning to understand God as my Heavenly Father, too. Not just anyone’s Father but mine whom I could find rest in, could go to anytime to comfort me in times of need, and times of fear. A Father who would know what was best for me, do me good all the days of my life, and would never leave or forsake me. A dwelling place where I could go and just sit in His lap to hear his voice because He loves me. I was ready to listen and live for Him.

  • People may disappoint me but God’s love never does! (Romans 5:5) Circumstances may not always be what I expect it to be but I often have to be reminded of my relationship with God, God’s Word, His truth and this moment in my life, as well as many since then. It was real and God met me.

Just as I was settling issues with God and peace entered my heart, I heard the supervisor calling me. I told her I didn’t need her anymore. “God and I had made peace and everything was okay!”

However, she in her wisdom called me into her room and showed me, Psalm 91:1-2: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust.”

She gently talked to me:  “Sterling, stay close to God, your Heavenly Father. Like a bird is protected under the wing of His mother you will stay protected by your Heavenly Father, in the shadow of the almighty! He will hide you under his wing. He is your refuge and your fortress, the Almighty. Nothing will happen to you apart from God knowing. You don’t need to fear man anymore. God will teach you many things if you learn to dwell close to Him.  His Word is there to teach, guide, and help you grow.”  

I was ready to see God as the Lord of my life. I had repented of my ways and through the school I was able to grow and be discipled. I finally was discovering where to find my true dwelling place and the joy my brother had!

  • God says in Psalm 84:5,6: “Blessed is him (her) whose heart is set on being a pilgrim, for God will turn his (her) bacca (desert place) into a place of springs”  

We are just passing through this world. Our home is in heaven. As we journey to dwell with God as our Lord, he will take our desert places and turn them into places of springs for His Glory.

  • I can’t help but think of the old cliche saying: “Home is Where the Heart is!”  No matter where I have lived or how many times I have moved, whatever my journey, He is there to meet me where I am!  It is not my family, or my circumstances, but His presence I need to be content with.

Where are you placing your heart? If God’s presence is there, there will be contentment, there will be rest for the soul, and your home will be a refuge! Just start by pointing your heart in the right direction.

Personal Reflections: How have you seen God, your Heavenly Father in your transitions? You may still feel like it sucks but that is okay, God understands.  Go to Him! Consider Psalm 91:1-2. Where is your heart right now? What ways are you learning to dwell in God’s Presence, to abide in the shadow of the Most High? Tell us your story in the comment section of the blog.

From one woman pilgrim to another, journeying together,


Consider how you may spur one another on towards love and good deeds….. encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)

“Together empowering a movement of mission minded women on their journey and calling, so that they may feel valued, significant, purposeful, and confident in making a difference for God’s Kingdom in all season’s of life, one story at a time.”