Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you…
Isaiah 43:4a.

For a whole year a friend of mine had encouraged me to visit The Brooklyn Tabernacale Congregation, founded by author and pastor, Jim Cymbala and his wife, in New York. It holds three huge services each Sunday in a broadway theater they bought.

I was working at an international organization headquartered in Pennsylvania, when my friend and I finally found a date to make this trip happen. We even ended up with two car loads of friends tagging along with us. More the merrier, seems to be our motto.    

We had waited outside in line for a good hour or so before they let us all in for the worship service. Once in, we now waited with anticipation in the upper balacony for the service to begin. We sat and watched the massive amount of people continue to pile in after us to find their seats.


The famous, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir finally began captivating us with their beautiful sounds of praise to God along with over 700 of us in the audience singing along. You could sense the presence of God in the room as the people sang. The  anticipation of hearing Pastor Jim Cymbala preach to us from God’s Word next was also felt.

I would finally get to hear the man I had read about and been so inspired by. The stories in his books related back to when the church plant first started and how God answered their many prayers.

Yet, I was not prepared for what God had planned next.  Mr. Cliff Barrows was ushered out and introduced as the guest speaker. Not expecting this change of speakers, my reaction upon seeing him surprised me. I got all excited and found myself ready to run down the isle and up on stage to give him a big hug.


Why? Mr. Barrows, who used to be the worship and song director for the Billy Graham Crusade, had also been a neighbor of my paternal grandparents well up until my early 20’s. We connected on so many levels. His father, I believe, was a “Gideon” and even served in the Philippines. This had been our home for 13 years as well.

Cliff and His first wife, Billie, which had 2 years earlier passed away, had also become like my adopted grandparents. They loved Jim, my husband and me.  They prayed and encouraged us; even took great interest in our work in Asia. They even became financial partners with us for a season..

They always made time for my husband and me when we were home from the Philippines. This meant much since he was a busy man. Occasionally, they would ask me to cook a Filipino meal for them.

Cliff and Billie gave much counsel and encouragement as we considered adopting our 4th child. They listened well and gave wisdom during many of our transitions.

They loved my grandparents and my father too. Often extending Christ to them in more ways than one. I cannot say enough about this man, who just passed away a couple of years ago. For all these and more I am grateful.

This gives you some backdrop to appreciate my excitement to see him stand and get ready to deliver God’s Word. My heart leaped. Seeing him, truly was an unexpected surprise gift from God. I had not seen Cliff for many years.

I was told later he was now legally blind. Yet, he preached as if he was reading all the Words directly from the Bible. He knew many Scripture verses by heart. He gave an amazing message!


My dad, almost 89 years old, whom I don’t know for sure he is a follower of Jesus, even to this day, knows Cliff as a former friend. Cliff, when home from travels often took time out to have lunches with my dad in the days he lived next door to my paternal grandparents.

Leading up to this event at The Brooklyn Tabanacle, my grandmother had already been dead for 4 years. Right after her death some important decisions needed to be made. After seeking the Lord and much wise counsel from others, my siblings and I, felt it best to disagree with my dad. For some reason, this caused my father’s wrath. He didn’t want anything to do with us afterwards.   

Always being in my dad’s good graces as “his little girl” this choice on his part hit us hard. As we waited on the Lord to change my dad’s heart, through much prayer,  I wrote my dad many special letters and cards but he never responded back.

In good conscience I knew I was faithfully honoring and loving my dad. Even though we disagreed on this one decision.

So when I saw Cliff, all the grief and love for my dad which had been built up inside of me came pouring out. I felt like I was seeing my dad and I couldn’t control the tears that came flooding out before the Lord. I tried to hold them back but I couldn’t

Here this 40 something “young” lady, at that time was a basket case. My friends didn’t know what to do. Before they could say anything I got up and walked downstairs to the front in order to be ready to hug and talk to Cliff when he got finished.

Not realizing just how big of a production this place was… when I got down to the stage, these 2 big security guys were standing at the entrance of the platform stairs, watching guard. They would be escorting Mr. Barrows off when he was done, away from the crowd.

The invitation for people to come forward was happening so I thought it would be just fine to go on stage and talk to him. What was I thinking?!

Yes Miss? You can’t go any further!  Is there anything you would like”.  

Yes I am friends with Mr. Cliff Barrows. He knows me and I want to see him and say Hi”  

The man’s eyes displayed concern but wasn’t sure if I was for real.  He was there to do his job. “Ma’am, he will be whisked off when he is finished, I don’t think you will be able to see him”.  

“But I have to” as tears uncontrollable again started to roll down my cheeks.  Feeling rather embarrassed and stupid now. “He knows me, I have to talk to Him!”

“I will see ma’am.  I will ask when he comes down but I can’t promise you.  Just stand over there if you would please and wait.”

I stood there talking to myself trying to get my composure.  “If I can just see and talk to him, that’s all I ask Lord. I just need a hug and I will be okay.”

“Come on Sterling, get control of yourself”, then the tears would flow again. The bodyguard kept looking at me strangely. I was trying to act like I wasn’t some cookie crazy woman but I am sure I wasn’t too convincing.


The Brooklyn Tabernacle

As soon as Cliff ended his message he was swept from the stage as the crowd of people engulfed him and I was pushed to the side. This same guard, as he passed had the most compassionate look in his eyes, as he moved his lips, “I am so sorry miss.”

I yelled out “Just tell him it is Sterling Moseley O’Neill”. The man was kind and daring enough to mention to Cliff my full name, probably thinking, that is the least I can do for this lady, but I am not sure it will matter!   

When he mentioned my  name to Mr. Barrows, Cliff stopped in his tracks and said, “Where is she?”  

The guard pointed toward my way and the sea of people parted. Cliff put out his hands towards me and again said “Where is she?”

“She is over there, Sir.” Cliff, remember he could not see me because he was considered legally blind, put out his hands and said, “Please come here, Sterling.” The look on the guard’s face was one of surprise and delight for me and motioned for me to come.

When I reached Cliff, He hugged me. We talked for only a few minutes, forgetting the many people looking in on us. Then, he left just as fast. My tears seemed to  subside instantly. I was filled with contentment and joy. My heart was full. I was okay. It was like my dad had given me a special hug. Or more like a hug from my heavenly Father. WHAT A SURPRISE GIFT FROM GOD!

One day we will die. Then we shall see Jesus extend his pierced marked hands and say “come”  and call us by name, and take us up to heaven. I know what I felt and I look forward to that day when Jesus, will call my name because I am written in His book. I am precious, honored and belong to Him.

How do you feel?  Can you picture it? Is your name written in His book? JESUS IS ALIVE putting His arms out to hug you. Go to Him.    

PERSONAL REFLECTION: With the Easter season, once again, Jesus is reminding us He is alive, calling, knows us by name, and/or is ready to hug us. What story can you remember where God showed up where you felt like it was a surprise gift from God, as in my story? Take time to write it down and be a blessing in someone else’s life. How have you experienced God’s presence this week even?  Please share a story with us in the comment section: A SURPRISE GIFT FROM GOD.

*my dad and I today are on talking terms. God answered prayers and the doors were open to mend our relationship. But I still do not know where he is with the Lord.

From One Pilgrim to another together on the journey,

“Consider how you may spur one another on towards love and good deeds….. encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)

“ Intentionally journaling alongside women in order to encourage them to see God in their story, moving them closer to Jesus, and to discover their place in God’s Kingdom”



2 that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, 
3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col 3:2-3) 

Our Family would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas from our Home to yours! Whatever is your life’s journey remember God love’s you so much that He sent His Son as a baby, Jesus (Emanuel With US), who lived, died, and rose from the dead, so that we might have life and life more abundant, eternal life.

May He encourage your heart and help you remember what is important even when things might not be as you expected or would like. And be thankful for the things that you do have. Stop and reflect how God has blessed you then pray about ways to bless others. You are blessed to be a blessing.

As I think of Christmas my heart often is drawn to various people from around the world or people around me who are less fortunate or broken, in need of Christ. People, who may not have a family to spend Christmas with or even heard the name of Jesus. How can I bless?

So what is it like for many overseas Gospel workers to be away from one’s mom, dad, siblings, “back home”, all that is familiar, especially at Christmas and find oneself living in another culture?

Many workers around the world and you may be one, too, wrestle with such conflicting thoughts. I was reminded of this the other day when I read an article in alifeoverseasblog.com “Tis the Season of Incongruity” by Marilyn on December 9, 2018. She helped put into words how one might feel this time of year. She stuggles with it, too, like many of you might.

The beauty of Christmas we often experience over against the hopelessness and brokeness of one’s reality around them gives us time to pause and think of those less unfortunate.  Marilyn said “And yet, God’s story has always been a story of conflicting images…..God came into a world of contrasts. A world of the beauty and the broken….. I cannot make sense of this world but He can.” She concludes with 

The words of a Christmas carol”, where she said “I rest in these words”

Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.” 1

Jesus, the True and only one God is the Hope of One’s Faith that satisfies the longing of the human heart. He is the key to the joy that makes sense of life’s incongruences.

I was in my early 20’s when I experienced my first Philippines, Christmas where we moved and would spend the next 13 years calling the province of Bohol home. Recently I found an article (update newsletter) I wrote from that time period. To my surprise it got published. As I read it again it was fun to reflect back on those early days in mission service in Asia. How did I handle that first Christmas away from what I knew to be home, before the Philippines became that place too?  Maybe you can relate.

The Heart Goes Home 

“Christmas time can be one of the hardest times for many missionaries especially when you are 10,000 miles from family.  We found that by giving to those around us, we were able to see people brought together. I asked myself. “What am I giving of myself to make this the best Christmas ever for those I love and I am ministering to-like Christ gave of Himself to me?”a

Taking the advice of a friend, we had brought our own Christmas tree (4 ft Tall) with us from the States to our new home in the Philippines. Having it really helped us feel like we had a bit of “home” with us.

Reaching out to other” team-mates “was my next step.  I had surprise gifts made for them and then packaged “native-made” gifts to send to our family in the United States.

On Christmas night, we got together with” some of  the believers we were serving, “gave them gifts, sang Christmas songs, and presented the Christmas story. In giving to others, we were able to lose some of our home-sickness. We are very thankful for the ministry God has given us to these special people.2

From the article even in my early 20’s I loved traditions, people, family and opportunities to express and reflect Christ to others. Also I looked for ways to give back to Jesus by giving to others in need.

This year I was given a gift for a free class with Coach Marcia Ramsland  (https://organizingpro.com “Simplify Your Holiday Season This Year: Overcome Season Stress with a Plan” .3  Even as a Life Coach myself I still need and love to be coached.

So Marcia stressed the importance of giving time and space for our hearts so it got me thinking about what I might want to cut back on or what I might add to make sure my heart is prepared to serve others during this season. The point is to keep my heart on track with Jesus and the values important to me in the midst of the culture in which we live that doesn’t always lift Jesus up as the reason for the season.

Of course every year is different, so I have been reminded to simplify my Christmas to what I can fit in with whatever schedule given, saying yes to some things and saying no to others. 

With all the traveling this year, unlike other years, and with all our children coming this year to celebrate Christmas with us, having Marcia’s class and coaching has helped me stay focused. To keep the main thing the main thing.  Her coaching has allowed me to be able to be ready for Christmas both inside and out with much less stress and more time to feel relaxed and be ready for my family coming.   

She encouraged us to put Jesus at the top of our Christmas gift list of people to get gifts for.  “What can you do for Jesus this year?”. Almost the same question I asked myself in my early 20’s in the Philippines that first Christmas there. 

 So one thing we did this year was clean the house by getting rid of Christmas ornaments, clothes, etc… we didn’t want anymore but others could use. 

We found an organization, “Global Charitable Resource”  4 who provide resources to those who are involved in changing the world. They also provide resources to those in diaspora communities and people around the world who might have greater needs at this time of the year.

Jim also preached a sermon last Sunday on “When Heaven and Earth Meet” on the characters in Luke 1 and 2.  This study helped us stop and reflect in a deeper way into the lives of those God tells us about when HE (Jesus) was born into this world many years ago. Today He is still using us to tell His story in the midst of life’s messes.

Can you stop for a moment and reflect on where your heart is this Christmas if you haven’t yet? Seek to feel his presence then ask: what do I need to give up and what gift can I give Jesus this year?  It is not yet too late!  

PERSONAL REFLECTIONS:  Where are you this Christmas? How is this Christmas different for you than before? What traditions enhance your season and enrich your life and faith? What can you do this year to make it more simple and less stressful? What ways can you give a gift to Jesus?  Would love to hear some of your journey at the end of the section on “Merry Christmas 2018”

From One Pilgrim to another together on the journey,

“Consider how you may spur one another on towards love and good deeds….. encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)

“ Intentionally journaling alongside women in order to encourage them to see God in their story, moving them closer to Jesus, and to discover their place in God’s Kingdom”

Recommended Citation

1.”A Life Overseas: Tis the Season of Incongruity”; alifeoverseas.com/tis-the-season-of-incongruity/(opens in a new tab)

2″The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 4, Number 11″ (1985). 1985. 8: The Heart Goes Home, page 47.

3″Simplify Your Holiday Season This Year: Overcome Season Stress with a Plan”: (https://organizingpro.com:

4Global Charitable Resources: https://www.globalcharitableresources.com/ 

One extra resource to encourage your heart during this Christmas season. 12-days-of-christmas-an-audio-devotional by Josh Davis, Founder of Proskuneo Ministries.