Tossed back and Forth

Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

In those times where my heart feels divided I have to reclaim my allegiance to God in that moment.  I remember a time in high school I had a divided heart; I knew something wasn’t right. I wanted man’s approval as well as God’s. Therefore I felt like a wave tossed back and forth, like the book of James tells us in chapter one. I was miserable. Can you think of a time you felt this way? or Maybe you are feeling that way right now?



Transitions: You Cannot Always Expect Teammates to Understand

Scan 12

Philippians 2:1-2 “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind” (ESV)

Our team leader and his wife, who had arrived in the Philippines just one year before us, were kind enough to set up a home for us. After traveling for a whole month around the island leading a short-term singing and drama team, Jim and I looked forward to getting settled into our temporary new home. There was another missionary couple who would be living with us, who had just arrived as well. Until one of us could figure out another place to live, we would both use the same house.  

The home was furnished, very big and spacious; However,  it didn’t have any air condition or much ventilation, causing it to be very warm to live in. In due time, Jim and I learned to acclimate to the heat of the Filipino weather rather quickly because of it. Even to this day we get cold easily.

The other couple lived on one side of the house and we lived on the other, but we both shared the kitchen, which proved to be interesting! (more…)


Pass on the Good Work of God through Stories to the Next Generation

“Older women ….so train the young women to ….so that the word of God may not be reviled” (Titus 2:3-5) 

Scan 10 

Do you often feel like no one cares or is listening? You think what you are doing is not that important?  Do you see certain needs, and want others to come around you to help but somehow feel you are the only one with the vision?

In 2000, I was interviewing a leader from an International Organization. She had been the President’s wife of that company for many years. She was a counterpart of mine at that time but she was considered one of those “older women who could teach younger women” like myself.  

I was just starting out as a corporate leader’s wife at that time, and had a desire for reaching out to our women around the world. I liked what I saw in her experience and spirit and wanted to learn from her as I went forward. (more…)


God uses ordinary people


Job 23:10, “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold”

Do you ever get discouraged when you keep making the same mistakes over and over and you just can’t, “ahh” ,be perfect”? Do you ever wonder if something is wrong with you?  

When I was in college I thought: “Why am I having all these insecurities still? Why don’t I have it all together? Why am I having all these silly emotions and why aren’t I able to control all my emotions faster than I am?   I am saved. I love Jesus. Maybe I don’t love Jesus as much as I think I do. Shouldn’t I be moving towards being able to fight these emotions off? 

Maybe I have sinned and I need to make it right, or maybe something isn’t just right with me. Maybe God can’t love me as much as He can love someone else.  Maybe I need to do more, or learn more, then I’ll be good enough.”

Do you ever have these kinds of conversations with yourself? I did. I still talk to myself with questions and emotions I often don’t understand.  I still haven’t arrived but I am a lot further along than I was in college.  God’s Word gives me God’s Truth about who I truly am and gives me guidance on which directions to take in the midst of my turbulence.   (more…)

What is your Story?

God, our Heavenly Father's providential hand is guiding your story

February is the month of “Happy Valentines“!   This blog is one of God’s love stories to me.   Maybe you can relate in some way.

Psalm 27:10 “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.” (NIV)    

Maybe when you think of your life you may feel, it is one big waste or perhaps you feel unsettled, dissatisfied, or  living in pain. Are you experiencing another transition? Are you looking for that day when life will feel normal again? You scream, “Will I ever feel settled again?” or  “Will this pain ever go away?” Maybe not, but there is one place you can go.


I have this early memory as a little girl of one of my safest, most secure and restful moments with my earthly father. I would climb up into my parent’s bed, dragging my favorite book with me (at the time it was Black Beauty) and plopping myself next to my dad. (more…)




Merry Christmas from my home to yours.  My blog is coming soon.  The launch date for my first blog is January 4th, 2016.  I am so excited!  Many have been working and praying for this.  I plan to have one post put out about every two weeks.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you and for you to get to know me. May we grow and learn together.  Please take time to go into the “Who am I” and “About the Blog” pages and I look forward to seeing you on January 4th.

May God give you a wonderful joyous time with family and friends over the holidays.  We are having 2 of our children and one of our sons-in-law join us for a few days.  We love being with family, putting up all the Christmas decorations, and having people over to our home celebrating our Christmas season with as many friends as possible.  We like going to church on Christmas Eve and driving around looking at all the lights.  It’s a great time to remember the reason for the season.  Merry Christmas!

Personal Reflections:  Please share one of your favorite Christmas traditions you enjoy celebrating with your family or one you plan to do this Christmas.  I would love to rejoice with you during this Christmas season.

From one pilgrim to another together on the journey,
